1. Assimilation: The body's ability to absorb food materials, digesting them and making them a part of itself. In other words, converting this food into such a form that it become a part of the body.
2. Excretion: The body's ability to give off waste matters, which not only are no longer of use in the body, but which may be detrimental to the body if retained. You must realize this is different than secretion. Secretion is something formed by the body to be used inside the body and has a definite function.
3. Adaptability: The body's intellectual ability to deal with the external stressors it's exposed to from a physical, chemical and emotional perspective.

5. Reproduction: The body's ability to develop and maintain the existence of it's life form from a cellular level all the way to the entire life form. Reproduction is truly dependent upon the power of growth and the power of assimilation.
These five signs of life are what I analyze in my office to determine what direction you are heading toward. Just because you appear healthy today, doesn't mean you will appear healthy tomorrow as your body is in a continual state of change. This is why regular check-ups are so crucial to your success of health. Your body is in a constant state of repair and breakdown. As long as your body is repairing faster than it's breakdown, you will have hope with healing and becoming healthier. If you absorb only one thing from this article, hopefully it is this: