Correction Chiropractic vs. Traditional Chiropractic

Traditional Chiropractic

Traditional Chiropractic focuses on goals such as decreasing muscle spasms, increasing range of motion, and the temporary reduction of pain. This is how most chiropractors practice and most of them do a great job. However, it falls under the category of symptom relief/ symptom management aka “band aid” care.

Correction Chiropractic

At True Chiropractic, our focus is on NeuroStructural Correction. Think of your spine as the foundation for a building. If the foundation was off, would you expect the floors to creak, the walls to creak, and for the windows to not close properly?

Now you can spend time patching all the damage, but you would be doing so with the expectation that in a short time the problems will have to be… repaired again and again.

NeuroStructural Correction looks for the underlying NeuroStructural Shifts in the spine that might be causing your foundation to be off. In the vast majority of cases that make their way to our practice, often as referrals from other chiropractors or medical doctors in the area, is a significant NeuroStructural Shift. These NeuroStructural Shifts are the underlying causes that often reveal themselves as “symptoms”- or what we refer to as Secondary conditions.

Get Back to Normal

Rather than constantly repairing the damage, at True Chiropractic, we focus on correcting the underlying NeuroStructural Shifts and help you reach Normal Structure.

Our services are not for everyone. However, if you are tired of constantly patching the problem and you are looking for a long term solution that you can both feel and see for yourself, then True Chiropractic may be the right place for you.

What is a NeuroStructural Shift?

While no one is structurally perfect, there is a normal healthy range. In the same manner, we can understand what a fever is because we know what the normal temperature is, or what constitutes high blood pressure because we are aware of the normal range. There are established normals everywhere we look, including gauges and warning indicators on the dashboard of your car… letting you know when things are abnormal.

At True Chiropractic, we are looking for a significant three-dimensional shift of the spine away from normal. If the lower back or hips shift, it will cause the shoulders to twist, and the head and neck to shift forcing the entire spine out of alignment. These shifts cause the muscles to spasm, the ligaments to deform, and it disrupts the NERVES traveling down the spinal cord. In other words, the main communication system that connects your brain to your body can be disrupted causing the body to fail to adapt properly.

9 PRINCIPLES TO WIN: “Winning is not Everything- but making the effort to win is.” Vince Lombardi

1.     Commitment

a.      “Total commitment means 100% effort, 100% of the time, no loafing, no idling, no standing around, no goofing off, no phoning in sick.”

b.     Making a commitment is essentially making a decision to do something.

                                          i.     Latin root of decision is to “cut away-from”… so when we commit to something, we are really cutting away all our other options, our excuses and all other possibilities.
2.     Discipline

a.      Hard work and sacrifice.

b.     Focused effort that develops self-control

c.      Helps you stay on track in the face of stress, pressure and fear.

d.     Means to sacrifice one thing for the sake of another

3.     Excellence

a.      Means personal responsibility… being answerable and accountable for your actions and meeting your obligations and duties without prodding from a superior.

b.     “Unless a man believes in himself and makes a total commitment to his career and puts everything he has into it- his mind, his body and his heart- what is life worth to him?  If I were a salesman, I would make this commitment to my company, to the product and most all, to myself.”   (for Kris’ sake, you can put she, her, herself in for he, him and himself)

4.     Mental Toughness

a.      “The glue that holds a team together when the heat is on and helps them persevere just a little longer”

b.     “Mental toughness is the ability to be at your best at all times, regardless of the circumstances.  It’s easy to do well when there’s no stress, but many of us can be poised when the pressure is on?  Mental toughness is constancy of purpose; it is total focus and emotional control.”

c.      Mental toughness is learned just like every other quality it takes to be #1.

d.     “Leaders are made, they are not born.  They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwile.”

5.     Habit

a.      Those actions that get us through our day without a whole lot of conscious thought on our part.

b.     The principal building block of habits is our beliefs. 

c.      The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.”

d.     “If you don’t think you’re a winner, you don’t belong here.”

6.     Faith

a.      There is no situation or circumstance that is without a spiritual component. 

b.     Every decision we make, every feeling, every relationship we nurture, has a spiritual dimension.

7.     Passion

a.      Passion and enthusiasm are the seeds of achievement.

b.     To motivate people, there must be a spark, some juice, desire, zeal, inspiration.

c.      It’s tough to be a leader if you can’t energize yourself, and then your people.

8.     Results

a.      They are the bottom line.

b.     The absence of positive results render your leadership a failure.

c.      Leadership isn’t a position, it’s a process that produces the desired result.  If you don’t produce results, if you don’t execute- you’re not a leader.

9.     Truth

a.      Is an absolute necessity for a leader… without truth guiding you as a leader, there’s no trust and if they don’t trust you, you can’t lead them.

b.     A person grounded in truth does the right thing every time.

“What it Takes to be Number One” by Vince Lombardi and Jr.

“Spine Low on Adjustments?”

What would you do if your car's low oil light came on today? Would you top off your engine with some 10W-30 weight or put some black tape over that little annoying light so you wouldn't have to deal with it any more?
Ignoring the warning sign will cause your engine to seize down the road. And if you were checking the dipstick regularly and adding oil when needed, the light might not have come on in the first place. The same goes for your spine and regular ChiropracTIC check-ups.
When your spine gets too low on adjustments, pain is the warning light. Unfortunately by the time the pain shows up you've been out of adjustment too long. If that's the case, don't 'black tape' the pain with Tylenol or any other pain killer for that matter. Bring your spine in for a proper ChiropracTIC Adjustment today and avoid a catastrophic seize event tomorrow.

“We’re All in the Same Boat…”

We have lots of patients who thank us everyday for giving them their health back. They say things like 'doc, you really did a great job…' and 'doc, you helped me when no one else could.' But the truth is… we can't take all the credit for it.

While medicine gives most of the credit for healing to the physician or the drug, Chiropractors see it as a team effort with three key players – the Chiropractor who clears interference from the nerve system, the innate wisdom within the patient which orchestrates the healing and the patient who practices good lifestyle habits to support the process.

We're ecstatic when you see results from our service. But never forget, we're not the only one rowing the boat. There are two other oarsmen pulling in unison… and together we make the perfect, healing team!

“The Super Glue of LIFE”

Ever wonder what keeps your heart beating in rhythm while you exercise, or knows the exact amount of white blood cells to produce when you're fighting an infection? How about mending a broken bone? Is it the cast that unites damaged bone or the bandage that seals broken skin? Think again.
ChiropracTORS recognize that there's an intangible force, an innate intelligence far greater than we can understand that holds us together and keeps us alive… an intelligent 'super glue' that binds together all our cells, tissues and organs and coordinates their various functions to produce health. It grew you from two microscopic cells into a thriving, vibrant person and maintains your existence at this very moment.
BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic, once asked… “have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?" That's a question every chiropracTIC practice member must answer honestly for themselves if they truly want to get the most out of their care.

“Wringing Out the Stress of LIFE.”

Your Nerve System is the ultimate sponge, soaking up all the experiences, sensations and stresses you encounter every day. Like a sponge, it can only absorb so much before it becomes over-saturated and spills stress into your body. The result… PAIN, SICKNESS and WEAK PERFORMANCE!
The best thing you can do to prevent Nerve System Over-Saturation is to get checked for subluxations by our office regularly and adjusted when necessary. Adjustments gently “wring out” accumulated tension in your Nerve System before it has a chance to build up and affect your health negatively.
If you're feeling super-soaked from the stress of Life, bring your saturated nerves to our office for some TLC. You'll experience more energy, improved sleep and a better overall feeling of wellness if you do.

One down, the rest of your life to go...

How many healthy meals does it take to lose 20 lbs? Or how many miles on the treadmill does it take to shed 5 inches? It obviously takes more than just one, and you've got to stick with it to maintain the results. Well, the same goes for your Chiropractic care.
It takes more than one adjustment to change your state of health. It's true the body has a greater potential to improve even after just one adjustment. But like eating well and exercising, you achieve lasting results only with repetition and consistency.

So how long should you stick with your new diet regimen, exercise routine or Chiropractic Care plan? The answer is, as long as you want to be healthy… and hopefully that's for the rest of your Life. In the world of fitness, healthy eating and Chiropractic, there's no such thing as 'one and done.' You've got to stick with it to reap the rewards.

First, Remove the Pressure

Question:  If you drop a cinder block on your foot, what's the first thing you must do for the healing process to start?  Answer:  Get the cinder block off your foot!

Sounds simple, but it's true.  Your foot WON'T heal untiil the offendcing pressure is removed first.  Once the cinder block is removed, don't expect your foot to look or feel great right away!  It's going to take time to repair all the carnage.  The same principle applies to your ChiropracTIC care.

A misaligned vertebra (vertebral subluxation) acts like a cinder block on a nerve causing damage, pain and inflammation.  Healing can occur only when the offending pressure is removed and kept off the nerve with regular ChiropracTIC adjustments.  But that won't necessarily bring instant relief.  Removing the pressure is simply the first step in a timely process.

So if you don't feel great immediately after your adjustment, don't be discouraged.  With time, damaged tissues will heal and you'll feel like new again.  For now, be confident the healing process has at least started because the cinder block has been removed. 

At True ChirorpracTIC, we're all about getting to the cause of problems and not focused on masking the Symptoms!

Dr. Jason Wing Louie

Healthy foods under $1

1.  Oats:  High in fiber and complex carbohydrates, oats have been known to lower cholesterol.  Serving suggestions:Sprinkle with nuts and fruit in the morning or make homemade granola for a snack. 

2.  Eggs:  A great source of protein, they are also a great source of antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which may ward off age-related eye problems.  Serving suggestions: Try a veggie omelet for breakfast, egg salad sandwiches for lunch or try a Spinach & Potato Frittata.

3.  Kale:  This dark leafy green is the "King of Calcium" containing more calcium than a glass of milk.  It is loaded with vitamin C and carotenoids.  Serving suggestions: Chop up some kale and add to your favorite stir-fry or try my kale chips.

4Nuts:  Nuts contain fat that is good for you (so as long as it is not roasted).  They are a great source of vitamin E and protein.  Buying them in the shell will cost less.  Serving suggestions: eat them raw, salted or sprinkle them into your salad.

5. Beans:  Great source of protein and fiber, high in iron, folate and manganese and may help reduce cholesterol levels. Serving suggestions: Try them in salads, curries and hummus.

6. Broccoli: Contains calcium, vitamins A and C, potassium, folate and fiber.  It is also packed with phytonutrients - compounds that could prevent heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.  Serving suggestions: throw it in salads, eat it raw, try them in stir fries.

7. Brown Rice:  Low in fat and high in protein and fiber loaded with B vitamins.  Serving suggestions: mix with nuts and veggies for a cold rice salad, blend with herbs for a side dish.  Replace your white rice with brown.

8. Beets:  Naturally sweet, containing folate, iron and antioxidants.  Serving suggestions: shred in salads or try Roasted Beets with Feta.

9. Butternut Squash:  Contains 5g of fiber per 1/2 c and lots of vitamin A and C.  Serving suggestions: Butternut squash or serve with a bit of butter and maple syrup.

10. Whole Grain Pasta:  High in protein, fiber and B vitamins - it is a great source over white grain pasta.  Serving suggestions: switch out your white pasta and do a 1/2 and 1/2. 

11. Water:  Our body is primarily made up of water.  It is such an important nutrient in the body.  Serving suggestions: Drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces.  Garnish with a lemon, strawberry, orange, cucumber wedge.

Recipies from:  Mindy Kuecher, Holistic Health Coach