Correction Chiropractic vs. Traditional Chiropractic

Traditional Chiropractic

Traditional Chiropractic focuses on goals such as decreasing muscle spasms, increasing range of motion, and the temporary reduction of pain. This is how most chiropractors practice and most of them do a great job. However, it falls under the category of symptom relief/ symptom management aka “band aid” care.

Correction Chiropractic

At True Chiropractic, our focus is on NeuroStructural Correction. Think of your spine as the foundation for a building. If the foundation was off, would you expect the floors to creak, the walls to creak, and for the windows to not close properly?

Now you can spend time patching all the damage, but you would be doing so with the expectation that in a short time the problems will have to be… repaired again and again.

NeuroStructural Correction looks for the underlying NeuroStructural Shifts in the spine that might be causing your foundation to be off. In the vast majority of cases that make their way to our practice, often as referrals from other chiropractors or medical doctors in the area, is a significant NeuroStructural Shift. These NeuroStructural Shifts are the underlying causes that often reveal themselves as “symptoms”- or what we refer to as Secondary conditions.

Get Back to Normal

Rather than constantly repairing the damage, at True Chiropractic, we focus on correcting the underlying NeuroStructural Shifts and help you reach Normal Structure.

Our services are not for everyone. However, if you are tired of constantly patching the problem and you are looking for a long term solution that you can both feel and see for yourself, then True Chiropractic may be the right place for you.

What is a NeuroStructural Shift?

While no one is structurally perfect, there is a normal healthy range. In the same manner, we can understand what a fever is because we know what the normal temperature is, or what constitutes high blood pressure because we are aware of the normal range. There are established normals everywhere we look, including gauges and warning indicators on the dashboard of your car… letting you know when things are abnormal.

At True Chiropractic, we are looking for a significant three-dimensional shift of the spine away from normal. If the lower back or hips shift, it will cause the shoulders to twist, and the head and neck to shift forcing the entire spine out of alignment. These shifts cause the muscles to spasm, the ligaments to deform, and it disrupts the NERVES traveling down the spinal cord. In other words, the main communication system that connects your brain to your body can be disrupted causing the body to fail to adapt properly.

Avocados & ChiropracTIC a Winning Combination

Often we hear we should stay away from eating foods that are high in fat.  Often, avocados are one of those "high fat" listed foods. However, avocados contain great nutrients for your body that can also lower your risk of heart disease.
It has been known that the monosaturated fat in avocados can help promote "good" HDL cholesterol levels.  A recent study conducted at the University of California at Los Angeles found that avocados contain considerable amounts of beta-sitosterol, a phytochemical that helps lower total blood cholesterol levels and the fiber in avocados and you have a powerful cholesterol-fighting functional food.

Combine this with healthy eating and ChiropracTIC care and your body will function in a healthy way -- innate intelligence at its best.  So before you put a "do not eat" list together read about each food so yo make the correct choices that are heathy. 

In addition, UCLA also found out that the avocados have nearly twice the amount of vitamine E as many other foods... they also contain omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, potassium, vitamin A and other nutrients including many other vitamins, calcium and minerals zinc and maganese.
Avocados were also rich in lutein, a phytochemical whcih helps protect against cataracts and macular degeneration; and contains glutathione, which helps regulate the body's antioxidant defense mechanism.

Guacamole is a delicious way to add avocados to a snack or meal, it can be used as a sandwich spread, a dip for raw vegetables or with healthy crackers.  Another way to consume this healthy food is to add a quarter of an avocado into your smoothie to make it creamy and delicious.

Be sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle by keeping the three types of stressors from causing subluxations inside your body:  Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins...

Your nervous system is your super highway system to your health. ChiropracTIC care for you, your family and friends will ensure that your nervous system is functioning at 100% by keeping the brain and body connected and communicating smoothly. 

Digestive Health

What most people don't know about Chiropractic Care...

Nerves from many regions of the spine have a definite digestion connection. These spinal nerves are capable of speeding up or slowing down the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, increasing or decreasing the amount of digestive juices secreted into the tract, and sending a greater or lesser supply of blood to various digestive organs. The consequences of disturbing these spinal nerves are not necessarily limited to spinal pain, but can potentially involve any function affected by these nerves, including digestion.
An Australian survey of 1,494 chiropractic patients revealed that spinal pain is often accompanied by heartburn or indigestion. The majority of these patients never told their doctors of chiropractic about their stomach symptoms - only their spinal pain, which usually was located between the shoulder blades. Of the patients with indigestion or heartburn, 22 percent reported relief from their digestive symptoms, as well as their spinal pain, while under chiropractic care.
            Unfortunately, many people with back pain, neck pain, tension headache and other types of spinal pain turn to painkilling medications before trying chiropractic care. This decision may be detrimental to digestive health. For example, the American Gastroenterological Association estimates that some 16,500 Americans die each year from bleeding ulcers related to the use of nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).  This category of drugs includes several that are commonly taken for spinal pain, such as Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, and Naprosyn.
Tylenol is not an NSAID and is not believed to be responsible for significant numbers of bleeding ulcers, but it has been linked to another digestive problem - liver damage.  The risk to the liver posed by Tylenol is especially severe in patients already taking other medications with known liver toxicity.
No painkilling drug can match the safety record of chiropractic care. Is it reasonable to make painkilling drugs your first line of defense against spinal pain? Or is it more intelligent to consider this approach: Chiropractic first, drugs second, surgery last?
ChiropracTIC is so crucial to all aspects of your life!  Please don't underestimate the power of your body to heal and function.  It is designed to improve your body's ability to adapt and function.