Obesity is a major issue in the United States today. In fact, as of 2013, 25-30% of Minnesota adults were considered obese according to the CDC.1 That’s every 1 in 4 adults! And, let’s face it – losing weight can be difficult. According to the Monte Nido Eating Disorder Treatment Center, “95% of diets fail and most will regain their lost weight in 1-5 years”.2 So that begs the question – what are we to do? How can we go about losing our excess weight and living healthier lives?
Insulin is a hormone produced by our pancreas. The main purpose of this hormone is simple – to stimulate our body cells to take up the extra glucose in our bloodstream after a sugary snack. Insulin is surely our body’s friend – continually keeping our blood sugar in balance. However, this hormone has other very important functions related to fat metabolism, or fat burning, in our body.3
It seems that avoiding carbohydrates could surely help our body in burning its fat stores. Therefore, a great way to shed some excess weight would be to avoid foods that spike our blood sugar (and insulin secretion) such as bread, cereal, pasta, beer, fruit juice, soda, potatoes, rice, and corn.3 Furthermore, don’t be afraid to eat fat and protein – they have no effect on insulin secretion and will keep you from feeling hungry for a longer time period. If you want to lose weight, it may be time to change that breakfast cereal for a little bacon!
- http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/prevalence-maps.html
- http://www.montenido.com/pdf/montenido_statistics.pdf
- Taubes, Gary. “Why We Get Fat”.